Visakhapatnam with a population about 23 lakhs is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia. The map of Visakhapatnam city is rapidly changing every year due to industrialization and other developmental activities. About 73 KMs of National High way No.16 from Rajulapalem junction to Salapuvanipalem is passing through Visakhapatnam City. The major road network in the city area extends over a length of 126 KMs. The road length in the city consists of 30 KMs length of State High way and 1007 KMs length of Corporation roads. There are as many as 350 intersections in Greater Visakha Municipal Corporation area. The road network of Visakhapatnam is very dense and congested due to narrow carriage way, high pedestrian traffic and slow moving vehicle concentration. As per the existing land use plan, the area under road and railways is about 6% only and inadequate as a hole with insufficient pedestrians and other road infrastructure.
The volume of Traffic in Visakhapatnam City has been growing by leaps and bounds. Particularly automobiles are multiplying every year. About 8 lakhs vehicles of all categories do ply in Visakhapatnam city. Every year not less than 20,000 vehicles are getting registered.